Saturday, October 3, 2009

Spring fancy

In spring, a young puppy's thoughts turn to... gardening!

...these flowers look tasty...

...I'm helping with the pruning...

...that's much better...


Diana Chiew said...

You are such a great have done a good job at pruning...yeah, it does look much better...hehehe...

How does the flowers taste? We have never tasted flowers, maybe we should give it a try.

JD and Max said...

Oh Sasha, is there anything you're not able to do? Wistful sighs .... you're amazing they way you're able to turn your paw to absolutely anything! We love that first photo of you - so pretty with those flowers as a backdrop, they're almost as pretty as you (but not quite!) We also love that second photo of you - you're such an accomplished puppy! And of course, we love that third photo of you admiring your pawdiwork - so cute! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Oskar said...

Very good work with that landscaping. I'm in charge of hole placement in my yard!