I started my barking practice this morning at the beach. We went to Williamstown Beach for a walk below the high-tide mark. I love it there, I ran all the way up to the far end of the beach, and all the way back down again. I only stopped to bark at a dog that was swimming and came up to say hello, and I also took a break to stare fixedly at the seagulls. There was a big tractor thing making the sand all flat, but I didn't pay any attention to that, I see bigger and noisier things like trucks and trams when we go for walks near my house.
My balcony is one of my favourite places. It's exactly Sasha-sized, and even though it's concrete right at the bottom, it's got grass on it for me to play on and pull apart. I like to pull it up and eat it. My human says I'm part Schnauzer and part Lawnmower. I'm not sure I know that second breed, but it must be good if I'm one of them.
I like to take my toys out there, and the other day when my human gave me some chicken necks for lunch, I snuck them out onto the balcony to eat.
I was out on the balcony this afternoon, and some pigeons flew overhead, so I barked at them. Then some leaves made a scratching noise on the pavement downstairs, so I barked at them too. And then some people went past, talking, so I barked at them. I also barked at the puppy in the reflection in the balcony door.
Then the man across the street started to practice his opera singing, and I didn't bark at him, but I gave my human a very concerned look.
A bit later I came inside and barked at my human. For some reason, she started clicking me and giving me a treat when I barked. She seems to want to encourage me to bark. She said something about training me to bark on command so then I won't bark when she doesn't tell me to. Whatever... as long as I get treats, I'll bark whenever she wants.
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