Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tummy-tickle Thursday, Friday, Saturday...

I've instituted a strict rule whereby a tummy tickle must take place every single morning before my human leaves the house. This is for my human's own good - after all, if she can't find five minutes in the morning to tickle her puppy's tummy, then that doesn't bode well for the rest of her day!

Of course, that doesn't mean she must limit herself to one tummy tickle per day. A tummy tickle also takes place every night, upon arriving home from work. And of course, random tummy tickles often occur during the evening.

I've been training my human to tummy-tickle me to sleep, in bed after she turns out the light - and what better way to wake up in the morning, but with a gentle tummy tickle? There are so many opportunities for a puppy to contribute to her human's well-being through the magic of tummy tickles.

Of course, it's important to give your human the right signals, so she knows exactly what to do. Here's my classic "you may tickle me now" pose.

I'm ready for my tummy tickle, Mr DeMille!


Cobi said...

Nice pose for tummy tickle :)


The Schnauzer Brothers said...

Hi Sasha - we were quite overcome by this photo and had to dash out into the snow to cool off a bit - tee-hee!

Good training you're giving your human - a pup must stay firm in the training routine so we admire your daily approach, it's very dedicated of you. We bet your have a really well trained human now - you must be very proud.

Big schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Unknown said...

That human of yours is a bit slow to learn, isnt' she, keep up the training she will get the idea eventually.

Liliy & Jasper

JD and Max said...

Hi Sasha - just to let you know that we have published the results of our 'bootie-licious' contest. Please do swing on by to check out the winners. Yourself included. Because you and your delicious bootie came SECOND in the 'Fluffy Butt' category and FIRST in the 'Bottoms Up' category. And this had nothing to do with us - this was voted for by the great blogging public!! Well done - we look forward to your acceptance speech, he he he!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Diana Chiew said...

Hi Sasha,

We are here to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Happy Holidays!